suspended substance

英 [səˈspendɪd ˈsʌbstəns] 美 [səˈspendɪd ˈsʌbstəns]

网络  悬浮物; 悬浮固体物质; 悬浮物质



  1. To deposit ( a dissolved or suspended substance) on an electrode by electrolysis.
  2. In this study, the techniques and methods for sample preparation and element determination in wet precipitation and suspended substance analysis for eco-geochemical evaluation were discussed.
  3. River water of slight pollution and high turbidity was converted into seepage water by filter through which the suspended substance was removed, turbidity was depressed and bacteria reduced.
  4. The methods for analysis of suspended substance in wastewater were studied experimentally.
  5. It is of important significance to determine suspended substance in monitoring water and wastewater.
  6. The seawater suspended substance filtering device not only can be used in large, medium or small sized laboratories, but also can be carried to perform field operation.
  7. The content of the suspended substance in the upper layer and the liquid-solid compression ratio of the bottom layer were measured.
  8. The technique can be applied not only in the determination of the suspended substance in waste sample, but also in the other gravimetric analysis.
  9. Determination Method for Suspended Substance in Reuse Process of Wastewater in Treated Heavy Oil
  10. Considering the fact that domestic sewage composed of fecal water contains lots of suspended substance, control methods for analysis conditions are put forward for determination of COD in fecal sewage.
  11. Aiming at the determination of suspended substance content in brine in ionic membrane caustic soda production, this paper introduced the concept of turbidity and the application of turbidimeter in determination of suspended substance content in brine.
  12. The effect of suspended substance on the dewatering of the copper and sulfur concentrate
  13. Determination of the suspended substance in water sample by gravimetry with microwave drying
  14. The correlative variables of organism and suspended substance was influenced by the algae growth, all appearing the seasonal variation rule.
  15. The experimental results showed that chlorine ion content disturbs COD value drastically first, the second is the petroleum content. The suspended substance content and heating time have little influence on the result.
  16. Study on oilfield well-operating wastewater treatment with flocculation method ( I) suspended substance reduction
  17. Eliminating High-Containing Salt Disturbance in Determination of Suspended Substance in Water Sample
  18. Vertical Concentration Distribution of Suspended Substance in Turbulent Flow
  19. Determination of Suspended Substance in Waste Water Containing High Soluble Salt
  20. Dosage of montmorillonite affects the rheological character of preformed gel ( montmorillonite/ weak gel suspended substance) deeply;
  21. This article discusses some questions on determination of trace oil, Such as analysis method, oil standard, blank sample of water and suspended substance. moreover, the measures for the solution of these questions is suggested.
  22. The effect of irradiation on removing suspended substance was not obvious;
  23. Second, the release potentiality and function of interval water and suspended substance are discussed, and the release mode of the organic pollutants in suspended condition is compared with static condition;
  24. The first effluent is pretreated by Fe-C micro-electrolysis because of its stronger acidity, more suspended substance, higher concentrations of COD and biodegradability;
  25. The main pollutant of this kind of sewage is oils, polluter of the suspended substance and dissolving organic matter.
  26. In addition, the concentrations of total suspended substance ( TSS), Escherichia coli and heavy metals were also significantly decreased.
  27. Moreover, the error of OPP decreases along with the decreasing of total suspended substance concentration.